
My name is Ashley Marie. I am a 39 year old transwoman. I am the father of a 5 year old that is from a 11 year marriage. I am currently going through a divorce and custody battle.

I will be using this blog to register the experiences that I have\will have as I go through my transition

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Being Transgender and have ADHD, Depression, Anxiety and what ever else they want

I have been struggling with my ADHD for the last 5 years.  It started with forgetting import thing such as bills and dates.  Then the focus on family which caused my Ex to leave.  Through the therapy for the ADHD my secret was revealed.  I thought that transitioning would make all the issues disappear.  If you are reading this and believing you might be transgender, do not make that assumption.  Yes part of the depression was resolved, but it caused other issues in it's place.

I  got a divorce, became homeless, lost custody of my son and lost a lot of friends.  I was dealing with these issues as best I could.  My mother took me back in and has been very supportive, but I still want to be on my own.  Just as things were starting to look good,  the ADHD cause more issues.

I was regularly late to work and could not complete task fast enough for management.  After a year of demoralizing my employer forced me to resign.  I still had hope that things were going to get better.  I received unemployment.  I started to look for work.  I was worried that I could not work with the ADHD issues, but I was going to try.  I found that to get the type of work that I have been in for the last 15 years I needed to get certified.  So I started to study, but then the unemployment ran out.  Around the same time my son acted as though he did not want to be with me.

This was the hardest yet.  He is my light.  If he did not want to be with me why continue to try?  Because I love him.  After talking to him the next visit he explained that he did not want me to attend his school function and baseball games.  I is worried about being teased.  My worst concern.  I agreed to the school functions but told him we would work out the baseball.

This conversation made the other life choice easier.  In the Spring I will be returning to Texas.  There is more work there and a very supportive family.

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